Update on Gedatsu Churches and COVID-19. Read more.

About Gedatsu

Literally meaning “to undo,” Gedatsu is the means by which we can create harmony, peace of mind and well-being in our lives and achieve a more harmonious, peaceful and compassionate world for everyone.

Gedatsu Church
Gedatsu Church Water Service Bridge
Who we are

About Gedatsu

Gedatsu is a religious study whose ultimate aim is to awaken our inner spirituality through the daily practice and expression of gratitude.

Gedatsu Church is a historically Japanese-American church that welcomes everyone, regardless of ethnic, cultural and social backgrounds. The Gedatsu Church is based in California, with two church locations: Los Angeles Gedatsu Church and Gedatsu Spiritual Center in Sacramento. Gedatsu-kai — the founding Gedatsu church in Japan — operates branches throughout Japan, as well as a branch in Honolulu, Hawaii.

At the heart of the Gedatsu teaching is reverence to the Universal Life Force, or God, and respect toward ancestors. Gedatsu emphasizes the importance of recognizing the profound and immeasurable blessings we receive from five sources – country, parents, teachers, society and all living things – and expressing our gratitude for these blessings in our everyday life.

The Gedatsu Church welcomes people of all religious faiths and cultural backgrounds. We believe that integrating religions encourages mutual respect and understanding among all people.

Who we are

Beliefs and Practices

We believe that life is a sacred gift that should be acknowledged daily with sincere gratitude and prayer.

Our belief is that everyday life is a mode of religious study. Life’s challenges serve as a means of deep introspection and developing self-awareness. The self-renunciation of our egos enables us to purify and strengthen our spiritual character. As Gedatsu followers, we accept this reality of life and strive to live every day with sincere gratitude and appreciation.

Reverence to the Universal Life Force and respect toward ancestors are at the core of our religious study.

We recognize that all things derive their life and existence from a Universal Life Force, or God. In additional, as Gedatsu followers, we honor and respect our ancestors for our life’s blood and existence. We strive to live with the attitude of being allowed to live each day.

We believe in the commonality and interdependence of all creation.

We understand that everything in this world is interconnected, and that nothing can exist by itself. By reflecting deeply on this truth, we become aware of our own true relationship to everyone and all things. We see that all beings and things are mutually supportive – and that we are able to live only through the support of other beings and things.

We resolve to live our lives with absolute, unconditional gratitude to all things.

We realize that there is no justification for complaint, argument or blame in our lives. All things, good or bad, are to be appreciated and accepted equally. We accept and strive to practice this attitude in life.

gedatsu universal life force shrine
About Gedatsu Church Alter
Who we are

Symbols of Our Reverence

Gedatsu devotional services include three key elements: the offering of prayer in respect and appreciation to the Universal Life Force and ancestors; the recitation of the Heart Sutra; and performance of Amacha holy tea blessing.

The outstanding feature of the Gedatsu Church is the altar, in which three primary symbols of our reverence are enshrined: Universal Life Force (center), Creative Principle (on the left) and Gedatsu Kongo (on the right).

Universal Life Force

The Universal Life Force permeates through the universe and is the very source of all life. It creates and nurtures all living things and controls natural phenomena, including the movement of celestial bodies, the seasonal transitions and our bodily functions.

Creative Principle

The infinite and inexhaustible Creative Principle represents the life substance behind all forms and allows the universe to carry on its activities without interruption. While the varied species of life may differ, they all derive their life from this one Creative Principle.

Gedatsu Kongo

Gedatsu Kongo is the posthumous name of the founder of the Gedatsu Church, Seiken Okano, who was born in Japan in 1881. After a career as a layperson, he received divine revelation at the age of 48. He established the Gedatsu Church in 1929 and, for the next 20 years until his death in 1948, devoted himself to guiding people to spiritual awakening and achieving world peace.

Who we are

Gedatsu Ministers

Connect with us

Gedatsu Church

We welcome people of all religious faiths and cultural backgrounds. Join us at a Sunday service or upcoming event where you can pray and grow with us spiritually.
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September 1
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