Locations & Times
Los Angeles, California

Services & Office Hours
Our church offers services and programs every Sunday. See Services, Resources and Events sections for events and activities. Church offices are open Tuesday through Sunday, from 9 am to 4 pm, and are closed every Monday, fifth Sunday and holidays.
Sunday Appreciation Prayer Service at 10:00 am
Every third Sunday – English Language
“Never Forgotten” Memorial and Prayer Service at 10:00 am
Every second Sunday
“Hiho” Meditation Practice at 10:00 am
Every first Sunday
“Ajikan” Meditation Practice at 10:00 am
Every fourth Sunday
Sunday School
Every third Sunday
Private Consultation and Spiritual Training
Appointments Available
Reverend Naoya Okano
Sacramento, California
The Gedatsu Spiritual Center is the home of ``Goreichi,`` the spiritual grounds of the Gedatsu Church in America. Services are held in the Gochi Sanctuary, and various monuments and shrines are located throughout the grounds.

Services & Office Hours
As pandemic restrictions ease, our churches in-person services. See Services, Resources and Events section for events and activities. Church offices are open Tuesday through Sunday, from 9:30am to 4pm, and closed every Monday, fifth Sunday and holidays.
Sunday Appreciation Prayer Service at 10:00 am
Second and fourth Sundays – English Language
“Never Forgotten” Memorial and Prayer Service at 10:00 am
Every first Sunday
Sunday School
First and fourth Sundays
Private Consultation and Spiritual Training
Appointments available
Reverend Mica Rodriguez
Honolulu, Hawaii

Services & Office Hours
Church offices are open from 9am to 4 pm, Wednesday through Monday. Closed on Tuesdays, 5th Sunday and Holidays.
Sunday Appreciation Prayer Service every Sunday at 10:00 am