Gedatsu Spring Grand Festival
Spring Grand Festival
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Spring Grand Festival

Every spring and fall, all members congregate at the Sacramento Spiritual Center to celebrate the Grand Festivals, during which they express their appreciation to the Universal Life Force and to the guardian spirits that are dedicated on the holy grounds. The public is welcome to join in the celebration and participate in the Spring Grand Festivals activities.

A unique aspect of these festivals is the Saito Goma fire ceremony, an ancient Buddhist tradition, which is performed to evoke the power of the Fudo guardian for its protection and guidance in our lives, the salvation of unrested souls and world peace. During the ceremony, which is performed before the stone statue of Fudo, participants burn plaques expressing appreciation for various aspects of their lives.

Event Details
April 13, 2025. - April 13, 2025.
9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Gedatsu, Sacramento Branch
Sacramento Spiritual Center
4016 Happy Lane
(916) 363-6054
Gedatsu Church Spring Grand Festival
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Gedatsu Church

We welcome people of all religious faiths and cultural backgrounds. Join us at a Sunday service or upcoming event where you can pray and grow with us spiritually.
Upcoming Events
April 13 @ 9:30 am - 1:00 pm PDT
August 31 @ 9:30 am - 1:00 pm PDT
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