Church Services
We invite you to join us in our Sunday services in a welcoming, nurturing environment where you can pray and grow spiritually.
Join Us!

We welcome you, your family, and your friends to attend our Sunday programs and services at our Los Angeles Gedatsu Church and Gedatsu Spiritual Center in Sacramento.  Both churches hold monthly Appreciation Services and “Never Forgotten” memorial services, as well as conduct meditation practices.

Immediately following the Sunday programs, light refreshments are served, especially for holiday celebrations.  The congregation is encouraged to stay and enjoy the fellowship of members and friends.  New faces are always welcome.

Gedatsu sermons, services, and practices are also available throughout the website, on YouTube and through social media.

Check out some of the latest YouTube videos below.

Sermons – View all Sermons
Prayer and Practice – Listen to the morning prayer, practice Ajikan Meditation, offer holy tea blessing for ancestor spirits
“Never Forgotten” Memorial Services – Remember and honor loved ones who have passed

Sunday Appreciation Services

Express Gratitude for Divine Guidance and Blessings

The Appreciation Services are conducted by members in a warm, casual atmosphere. The program includes a sermon, personal reflections and singing by the congregation. Refreshments and fellowship immediately follow the services in the social hall.

We welcome you to study and pray with us as we express our appreciation for the blessings we receive in our daily lives. Wherever you are in your life and faith, we hope that you find comfort, joy and inspiration in our fellowship.

Monthly Memorial Services

Pay Your Respects and Honor the Loved Ones Who Have Passed Away

Other Services and Practices

Acknowledge the Spiritual Guidance and Support You Receive

We recognize the daily blessings and guidance from guardian spirits and ancestors. We demonstrate our appreciation by honoring them with special prayer services each year. Our meditation practices bring us closer to our inner spirituality.

Sunday School

Build Character in Our Youth

Personal Consultation

Find Supportive Resource In the Care of Your Soul

If you would like consultation on a one-to-one basis, our ministers are available to provide support for:

  • Personal consultations / spiritual guidance
  • Personal and home blessings
  • Meditation and spiritual training
  • Hospital and home-wellness visits
  • Funeral and memorial services
  • Weddings

Please call the church to arrange an appointment.

Looking for Community Events?

Community festivals and events are an important part of connecting with our local communities.

Join us for entertainment, martial arts demonstrations and traditional Japanese foods.

Connect with us

Gedatsu Church

We welcome people of all religious faiths and cultural backgrounds. Join us at a Sunday service or upcoming event where you can pray and grow with us spiritually.
Upcoming Events
April 13 @ 9:30 am - 1:00 pm PDT
August 31 @ 9:30 am - 1:00 pm PDT
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